Since its inception, GlobalLogic has seen its business surge, and , before we handed over, 12th floor office, GlobalLogic proposed adding another floor of 25000sft and appointed us to reaffirm its position in the market with a bespoke, elegant work environment to attract talent and support innovation.
“Embracing talent,” the concept that drove the workplace design. Sensory buds of young and enthusiastic employees coupled with mature work ethics of GL needed to be balanced. This concept aligns perfectly with the values and mission that GL upholds of inclusion. The result is a workspace that inspires pride in the work GL staff focuses on
The layout prioritizes biophilia and wellness, for thickly populated office, providing the work areas and other shared spaces with stunning views of the campus and abundant natural light.
Careful planning and strategy resulted in functional spaces layered with a purposeful look and feel. The new office presents a whimsical flair for playful and personal branding strategically located enhancing employee experience.
GlobalLogic periodically develops graphics in-house, we took it from there and designed spaces which would act as canvas for changeable art, graphics and visual media.
The back of house features several meeting hubs at each corner, equipped with open discussion spaces, nooks, and meeting rooms to enrich choices and support creative process.
A multi-functional training space layered with carefully chosen color palette of carpet and wall panels creates a playful learning environment.